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  HOME > Agricultural and Environmental Practices  
Elements for Successful Business
Market Linkages
Providing Services to Smallholders
Agricultural and Environmental Practices
Land Selection
Crop Selection
Seed Selection
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)
Environmental Protection
Quality Assurance & Human Health and Safety

Current and Future Trends



Other sections of the guide - on Elements for Successful Business and Design of Market Linkages highlighted the importance, when selecting horticultural commodities for smallholder production, to be sure:

  1. that the crops selected and the methods of production adopted build on the strengths of smallholders and minimize the impact of any weaknesses they may have
  2. that the production methods used are both agronomically and environmentally sustainable

This section of the guide addresses in more detail the agronomic and environmental practices which can best achieve these ends.


Case Studies
Sample Documents
Natural Resources Institute
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Natural Resources Institute 2003