CSR, Development and the Bottom of the Pyramid
We’re talking the same language, aren’t we?

Updated December 2008


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CSR, Development and the Bottom of the Pyramid
We’re talking the same language, aren’t we?

Presentations and agenda

DSA Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Study Group
DSA/EADI Multi-dimensional Poverty Group

JudgeBusinessSchool, University of Cambridge
18th June 2007


Increasingly the business and the development communities are coming together to tackle those persistent developmental concerns: poverty, exclusion and exploitation. This can be a challenging and fraught process with plenty of outspoken critics on both sides. Not only do objectives and measures of success often differ but, more fundamentally, perspectives and world-views can be radically different. Ideas such as development, progress, equity, prosperity and social responsibility can take on very different meanings in such different contexts and cultures. Yet, despite the criticisms and the problems, there is also much common cause – a shared concern that the environmental and social impacts of the spread of global industrialisation require us to find new alliances and new ways of operating.

How do those new ways of operating emerge? What happens when businesses and development organisations work together? How do they find common ground – and what do they learn from each other in the process? What is the value-added of the ‘bottom of the pyramid’ concept? How do the ‘recipient’ communities perceive and contribute to all this? How does this differ when the organisation is a local business in a developing country? In short, are we developing a shared way of thinking about, talking about and doing ‘development’ or do we just ‘talk past’ each other – we use the same words but the meanings and practices remain too different?

Provisional Programme

 10.00am     Registration

 11.00am     Panel 1 – Perspectives on the business case

 12.30pm      Lunch

 1.30pm       Parallel panels

 Panel 2 – Perspectives from NGOs and Civil Society

Panel 3 – Case studies from communities

3.00pm        Tea

3.20pm        Panel 4 – Solutions or Chimera?

4.30pm        Close


This meeting was jointly convened by two Development Studies Association Study Groups – details of the DSA and the convenors of these groups are listed below:

Corporate Social Responsibility Group:

Valerie Nelson, v.j.nelson@gre.ac.uk
Anne Tallontire
Peter Edward, p.edward@jbs.cam.ac.uk

Multi-dimensional Poverty Group

Andy Sumner, a.sumner@ids.ac.uk
Meera Tiwari, M.Tiwari@uel.ac.uk


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