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Providing Services to Smallholders
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Credit - How can it best be provided?
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1. Lending to individuals within a farmer group can be effective if penalties for non-repayment by an individual affect the entire group. Groups therefore have an interest in ensuring that new members are creditworthy, and in excluding those who are not.
2. Sharing of information on individual farmer creditworthiness between exporters, agribusinesses and financial institutions acts as a powerful deterrent to defaulting.
3. Setting criteria to assess personal traits and commitment by, for instance, requiring farmers to show that in the past they have attained a minimum yield, or to demonstrate their willingness to provide collateral - say 15% of the loan deposited in a savings account - as security against the loan.
4. Targeting borrowers with a greater incentive to be included within a scheme, for example, poorer farmers with good crop management skills, who would otherwise face considerable difficulty in accessing services.
5. Where feasible, targeting more women farmers, who are often more reliable in repaying loans but may have greater difficulty in obtaining credit from government schemes. Provision of alternative sources of credit should be considered so they can benefit from productive opportunities in the export horticulture sector.

Such actions as these should result in lower transaction costs in credit schemes.

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Natural Resources Institute
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Natural Resources Institute 2003